Is R7 260x any good?

It is 2B 500W but no PCI ex but i heard there is a sata to PCI ex changer i can get to solve that, I mean the differences between the 7770 and 7750 are great in favor of the 7770 apart from that pci thing, what fdo u think i should do?
yep, you can bypass the lack of the pci ex power connector, the problem is that maybe the psu manufacturer didn't include one of those connectors for a reason.
can you share the rest of your config?

500W should (in theory) be enough for: 260x, 7790 or 650ti boost (the nvidia is slightly faster too). so you could get either one.

Operating System : Win 8.1 64-bit
Memory : 8192 MB RAM
Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G630 @ 2.70GHz
Card Name : AMD Radeon HD 6450 2GB
Current Mode : 1600 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Motherboard Model : H61M-S2P
Hard Disk Model : WDC 298.09 GB

Plus I wanna know how doesit benchmark with League of legends it's what iam playing now, the 7770 is the best for it but the thread was older than when the 260x came out, is it any better? or it's the same?
with the low power usage for the rest, yes you could go for either one of the 260x, 7790 or 650ti boost. 260x and 7790 are about the same performance, 650ti boost slightly faster.

if it's unstable (crash/resets) while gaming you'll need to upgrade the psu too... as long as you are ok with this risk get either of the cards above. if you want to be safe get the 7750 instead.
I can't find anything on a "2B 500W" power supply. Please list brand and model number of the supply. Also, take a photo of the power specification sheet posted on the side of the power supply itself. The +12volt "A" or "Amperage" is the key number there.

No reason to speculate on IF the supply is good enough if we can do a bit of research on it up front.....