Is replacing a i5 4460 to an i7 4790k plug n' play?


Jan 17, 2016
Hello, today I am upgrading from an i5 4460 to an i7 4790k on a MSi Z97 Gaming 3 but my question is, is it plug n' play? Meaning I just physically replace the cpu / heaatsink then I continue with my day? Or do I need to update stuff or uninstall stuff or whatever?

i5 4460 > i7 4790k
MSi Z97 Gaming 3

I haven't really looked into MSI's Z97 Gaming 3, but isn't it possible that he might have to do a CMOS reset since he's changing his CPU to an I7?

I've done a couple cpu upgrades on 1150 boards and haven't run into that. It's possible and if so a bios reset isn't difficult.

I understand and I know it isn't difficult, I simply saw the thread and got curious as to what the answer would be, since I haven't used a Z97 (nor a H97 or a Z170 for that matter) yet. Thanks man!

I replaced it earlier today 😀 works perfectly. Thanks :)

I replaced it earlier today 😀 works perfectly. Thanks :)