Gateway decktop PC, would not power up at all. After some troubleshooting I cut the green wire to the 24 pin power supply connector and added a switch to ground, and between using that and the power switch I am able to start up/shut down the PC, and everything works fine. But, if I unplug the power supply from the wall for more than about 30 seconds and plug it back in, I can't get any power at all using the green wire or power switch, until I remove the 24 pin power connector from the motherboard momentarily, then it starts up/shuts down fine as long as the power supply remains plugged into the wall. Is there a signal on a wire other than the green
wire on the connector that can prevent the power supply from turning on? I don't want to replace the power supply or motherboard since the PC works fine when its on, but if there is a signal interfering with the power supply I could add another switch instead of having to open up the PC and remove and replace the connector.
wire on the connector that can prevent the power supply from turning on? I don't want to replace the power supply or motherboard since the PC works fine when its on, but if there is a signal interfering with the power supply I could add another switch instead of having to open up the PC and remove and replace the connector.