is smoking cigarette near pc bad?


Jan 21, 2017
hello i have a cooler master case cm 590 III midtowe case with filters i have 2 front intake and 2 exhaust one top and one rear and my pc specs are gtx 970 i7 880 i wanna know if smoking cigarette will make any damage to my pc or to my components and thank you i mean 1 or 2 cigarettes near my pc i was checking to see if there is any dust or hair on the front of my pc and i was putting the cigarette in my mouth and near the front case and the pc is on this process was about 10 seconds is this gonna damage my pc and thank you.
Smoking near a PC isn't going to damage it. You'll likely need to clean more frequently etc - but that would happen whether you smoke next to the PC, or in another room .... it'll still be in the air, and get sucked into the case.

As for 10 seconds or so directly near the PC while cleaning it out? Not a chance.

You're fine.

It's not going to do anything bad to it unless you smoke all the time then you could get nicotine build up on some of the parts making them run warmer.
Thank you for your answer but i mean i clean my pc very often and i am covering it while turned off but my main question is will 1 or 2 cigarette while turned on and me near the front case checking to see any dust or hair on the front damage my pc or components in general or no i want a simple answer about this i am not a heavy smoker i only smoke 6 cigarette in a day and i want a simple answer if you please about this probpem will a cigarette damage my pc yes or no and thank you i dont give an importance about smell i am concerned about damage and thank you. And btw my pc has filters too front filters top filters and on psu filters.