Is soundblaster zx enough for hd 6xx/650 or do i need an external amp?

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Shafi Rpl

Mar 26, 2013
Thinking of getting the hd 6xx from massdrop. I have a creative sound blaster zx with 600 amp headphone amplifier. I was wondering, do I need an external amp for this setup? and if I do, what would you recommend to get?
Main usage will be video gaming(not competitive as i own audio technica ath ad7000 for that), listening to movies and music(bass heavy a bit preference) and thats all. Nothing too fancy.
Thanks in advance.
I currently have HD 598s, HD 600s and HD 650s and I use an Asus Xonar Essence STX to drive them. It has similar specs to the ZxR. Not sure how the ZX stacks up. If it has an amp it should drive them though.
I currently have HD 598s, HD 600s and HD 650s and I use an Asus Xonar Essence STX to drive them. It has similar specs to the ZxR. Not sure how the ZX stacks up. If it has an amp it should drive them though.
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