(sorry for bad english)
Basically i'm streaming Overwatch, 2560x1440 144hz, r7 1700 and gtx 1080, 16gb ram@3000mhz.
Getting 80-130fps, not stable at all. (lowest settings). Tried to go to Geforce Experience and put the optimal GPU Settings (optimization and stuff) - everything (almost) is on ultra - SAME FPS. tried to downscare my ingame resolution to 1920x1080 - SAME FPS. I guess it's a bottleneck ? (read that online tho). what should i do ? can a r7 1700 bottleneck gtx 1080 ? and THAT hard ? (it is hard when you get 80fps on 144hz monitor and 16ms~ input lag, that's atleast how it feels like)
Motherboard: Gigabyte AB-350 Gaming 3
tried to OC cpu@3.6ghz, no difference (it's 3.2@ stock i think)
any ideas ? thanks in advance.
OBS log file, i guess it's important (?)
Basically i'm streaming Overwatch, 2560x1440 144hz, r7 1700 and gtx 1080, 16gb ram@3000mhz.
Getting 80-130fps, not stable at all. (lowest settings). Tried to go to Geforce Experience and put the optimal GPU Settings (optimization and stuff) - everything (almost) is on ultra - SAME FPS. tried to downscare my ingame resolution to 1920x1080 - SAME FPS. I guess it's a bottleneck ? (read that online tho). what should i do ? can a r7 1700 bottleneck gtx 1080 ? and THAT hard ? (it is hard when you get 80fps on 144hz monitor and 16ms~ input lag, that's atleast how it feels like)
Motherboard: Gigabyte AB-350 Gaming 3
tried to OC cpu@3.6ghz, no difference (it's 3.2@ stock i think)
any ideas ? thanks in advance.
OBS log file, i guess it's important (?)