S sympler Honorable Sep 1, 2013 48 0 10,530 Sep 11, 2013 #1 Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W?
Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W?
Solution coastie65 Sep 11, 2013 sympler : Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W? This will do: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151132 If your aren't going to OC, why are you getting a "k" processor. You can save soe by getting the 4770.
sympler : Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W? This will do: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151132 If your aren't going to OC, why are you getting a "k" processor. You can save soe by getting the 4770.
coastie65 Splendid May 26, 2010 3,293 20 21,465 Sep 11, 2013 Solution #2 sympler : Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W? This will do: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151132 If your aren't going to OC, why are you getting a "k" processor. You can save soe by getting the 4770. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
sympler : Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W? This will do: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151132 If your aren't going to OC, why are you getting a "k" processor. You can save soe by getting the 4770.
G gopher1369 Distinguished Jan 20, 2012 1,011 0 19,660 Sep 11, 2013 #3 sympler : Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W? Amps is more important than Watts. Nvidia recommend a PSU that can supply 42 amps on the 12 volt rail for a Geforce 480. Upvote 0 Downvote
sympler : Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W? Amps is more important than Watts. Nvidia recommend a PSU that can supply 42 amps on the 12 volt rail for a Geforce 480.
coastie65 Splendid May 26, 2010 3,293 20 21,465 Sep 11, 2013 #4 gopher1369 : sympler : Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W? Amps is more important than Watts. Nvidia recommend a PSU that can supply 42 amps on the 12 volt rail for a Geforce 480. Sometimes in order to meet the requirement on the rail plus a little headroom, you end up with overkill on the PSU wattage. Upvote 0 Downvote
gopher1369 : sympler : Im getting i7-4770k (not over clocking) and im getting a gigabyte 780 3GB what wattage would i need? 750W? Amps is more important than Watts. Nvidia recommend a PSU that can supply 42 amps on the 12 volt rail for a Geforce 480. Sometimes in order to meet the requirement on the rail plus a little headroom, you end up with overkill on the PSU wattage.