Is the 7950 compatible with this PC?


Nov 3, 2013
Hey, I was planning of buying this PC (Link below) to play bf4. The only problem is that the GPU is terrible for my needs. I was planning of buying the 7950 and installing it myself. Will the 7950 be compatible with the motherboard,PSU and case? I will also be getting the FX-8320, It won't bottle neck with the 7950?

I'm new to the PC world so forgive me if I sound stupid.

All answers appreciated!
1. yes its compatable. the modu87+ is a good psu. all modern mobos to my knowlege has at least 1 pci-e slot
2. no there is no bottleneck, BF4 is optimized for multi core use(moreso than its predecesor) and the game even becomes less gpu bound when the december AMD mantle patch rolls along.

I know Mantle isn't out yet but how much of a performance increase will we see with it?