Is the AMR R9 295X2 worth it now that the GTX 970/980 came out?


Sep 13, 2014
The GTX 970 costs about $330 so technically if I bought two of those it would give about same performance for almost 2/3 the price of the 295X2. Is there really any logical reason to go for the 295X2 at this point?
It never was worth it to begin with. I can't recommend AMD this time around.. nothing but problems with my R9 series card. Just ordered a GTX 900 series card to replace it I was getting so impatient.
That's actually want I just replaced my r9 280 with that I was having issues with. Got the GTX 970 SuperSuperclocked with ACX 2.0. Get two of those and it will be better then the 295x2 for only 700 dollars. the 970 SSC is basically a 780ti game benchmark wise.
I heard the ACX 2.0 has been failing and messing up. I suggest MSI , and Get 2 970's, and oc them for even better performance than r9 295X2, and when there are driver updates for better optimization for games, than it'll be waaay better for waaaaay cheaper

where did you hear that ?
I am actually going to have to take back what I said earlier. My EVGA card just started SUPER whining. Its going back to EVGA. Plus, I just learned the PCB is shit and it is. Just look up pictures of it. The MSI and the ASUS have WAY better parts on the PCB. I can't recommend it anymore. Just ordered the ASUS STRIX version from newegg instead. Has a backplate.