Question Is the ASRock B550M PRO4 as bad as people say it is?

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Jan 1, 2014
Apologies you guys if I should have just made this a continuation of my earlier thread listed below I hope I didn't break any forum rules doing this and if so I sincerely apologize !

but.. and apologies for listing another forum's website but... I have to admit I find myself rather nervous after seeing what the hardware canucks folks had to say

if you look at posts 3 and posts 4 in the link above you'll see that they do NOT have a good opinion of the ASRock B550M PRO4 motherboard

There's a number of reasons I'd like to get this particular ASrock MB.. price, the six sata ports are very important to me to have, the micro atx factor is important because I have an ancient but still reliable ultra defender 2 pc case that's kind of small but still rocks maximum fans (all 120 mm , two in front of the case, one in back of the case, one on the bottom of the case and two on the top of the case - I'm very paranoid about cooling my system 😛 ) ...

.... and if I was to get say the as rock Steel Legend B450 or B550 models on sale during black friday when their prices fall very close to the ASrock B550M Pro 4 , while I admire that they put two heatsinks in the steel legend units (see pic in amazon link below)

I'm afraid the smaller heatsink closest to the top of the pc case will ram into and block/touch the two case fans installed on top of the pc case as well as melt the power cable I've got up in that general area (see picture below) . Trying to avoid the "m" version of the steel legend because that puts me back to 4 sata ports (it's crazy I know but my rig actually uses all six sata ports :) , the ultra defender 2 case is surprisingly good at letting me mount drives if I get creative ) ... here's a picture showing how cramped things get inside the ultra defender 2 (sadly since it's an ancient case no option to route the cables through the back of the case like the more modern cases and don't have the budget to just buy a new case putting two kids through university) ...the picture shows an amd ryzen 3 series cpu... think it's the 3300x or something like that .. in the one out of two ultra defender 2 case desktop PC's I've already upgraded with an amd ryzen CPU (considering the ASRock B550M PRO 4 motherboard for the as yet not upgraded other ultra defender 2 case PC)

So going back to the ASRock B550M PRO4 motherboard ... I did as much research online as I could and results are so varied it's not even funny.. lots of amazon and newegg reviews saying they love it, a fair number of amazon and newegg reviews saying they hate it and it died 3 months after they used it or were DOA , varied reddit reviews most reddit users saying it's a good board but some saying it's an awful board (one reddit reviewer described it as similar to a "generic walmart brand " type MB as opposed to a "name brand" MB kind of like getting a generic walmart brand light bulb instead of a name brand one .. not the highest quality but possibly sufficient for your purposes) . Then there's the newegg reviewer who stated his board has been going strong for two years without any problems.

The board would be used for standard university student type stuff for my son who is majoring in computer science (no idea if the programs he'd be running on it would put a strain on the board ) and for light gaming (Outer Wilds for example ... or Minecraft although I guess with mods that can fall more into the heavy gaming category).

The board would be paired with a Ryzen 5 5600x processor, video card for one desktop PC is " MSI Gaming Radeon RX 570 256-bit 8GB GDRR5 " power supply " CORSAIR CX Series CX750 (New) CP-9020123-NA 750W ATX12V 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified " and here's a pcpartpicker link for the ultra defender 2 case

So here is my very strange question... are any of you out there using the ASRock B550M PRO4 motherboard ? I would be particularly reassured by people who have been using it for say months or years without any issues but will happily take any feedback I can get.

And as always thanks to anyone who reads this and responds :)
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Did you not get sufficient answers here:

Or do you simply not believe what anybody is telling you there?

If we're being honest, I've already used two B550 Pro4 boards on builds for a couple of people and haven't seen any problems with them. One of those boards has been in service for a year and the other for about 8 months. And the B550m Pro4 is simply a pared down version of that same board, so I wouldn't expect there to be any major differences aside from the obvious lack of the same real estate which, also obviously, reduces the number of PCIe slots and such. In fact, I'm waiting on another B550 Pro4 to come in right now, which is on backorder at Newegg, to complete another system.

But, if you can afford the Steel legend it's a marginally better board.
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Darkbreeze thanks very much for your quick reply :) ... to be honest me posting this question was just me desperately hoping that someone could tell me what I wanted to hear :) ... to be even more brutally honest expenses have been kind of rough this year 🙁 ... our car insurance rates have gone up by one thousand dollars per year and that will probably go on for the next five years if my research is correct (car accident) ... then there was the hit and run to the the tune of one thousand seven hundred dollars in damages (sadly cam footage at the store caught the company truck driver - assuming it was a company truck, trailer with a big metal box on the back of it ... ram into my wife's car then speed out of there but cam footage wasn't good enough to get an ID on the driver's license plate, driver himself and so forth) .... add that to the costs of putting two kids through university ... it's kind of an "ouch" experience :)

Apologies for boring everyone with my sob story here :) ... but it's basically one of those situations where you KNOW people who know more than you about this stuff are saying " Hey this MB could be bad news spend more money and get a better one " and you're like " I know I know , I really should, I wish I could " ... but in reality you realize you're going to go with the cheaper motherboard, cross your fingers, pray (literally :) ) and just hope you get lucky and it's not one of the crap MB's everyone's complaining bitterly about because it's .. well, cheap. I really wish I wasn't being forced into this upgrade but ... our desktops by Windows 11 standards are old, definitely not going to cut the mustard as far as processor or motherboard TPM requirements ... so with two desktops left to upgrade and the laptop I bought in 2017 that just isn't going to cut the hardware requirements either ... really don't have any choice... the thought of not getting security updates for Win 10 come Oct 2025 terrifies the crap out of me so I see it as a no choice kind of scenario.

I know I know I have all these PC's and I'm whining about expenses 😛 ... building the desktop yourself helps cut down on the price :) ... I know Win 11 isn't going to be forced on us until Oct 2025 but I'm trying to spread the expenses out year by year so looking to upgrade my son's desktop PC and just hoping the parts will get cheaper around Black Friday 2022 (then upgrade my desktop 2023 and finally replace laptop 2024 - I'm lucky in that my daughter's desktop PC is Win 11 ready - in theory anyways we'll see :) ) ... I long for the days when you could snag an AMD processor for $125 or even $100 like the AMD Ryzen 3 3300X but good luck finding those nowadays 😛 ... got insanely lucky july 2021 and snagged the 3300X for $125 for my daughter's desktop (insanely enough Walmart had one I ordered online despite covid and the taiwan silicon shortage) plus a ASUS TUF GAMING B450M-PLUS II AM4 AMD B450 SATA 6Gb/s Micro ATX AMD MB for about $100, $60 in ram and got her desktop Win 11 ready ...

Wow that was a long whiny complaint wasn't it ? 😛 .. again my apologies ... Darkbreeze it cheers me up immensely to hear that you have two B550 Pro4 boards in builds that have been working for a year in one and 8 months in the other that's immensely reassuring :) ... that's very useful info on the steel legend too thanks for that :) ... years ago when the kids weren't in university and having car accidents and hit and run drivers were leaving us alone 😛 I snagged a Phanteks Pro M case which definitely doesn't make me worry about lack of space the way the ultra defender 2 cases do so if this B550 Pro4 works out on my son's desktop I can definitely see myself grabbing the steel legend the following year and using it to upgrade my own desktop PC.
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The biggest issue with the Pro4 is its general 'budgetness'. It's rather lacking in heatsinks, the VRM's are thoroughly mediocre and to be honest, most 'gamers' are younger, inexperienced in pc building and try anything and everything in search of the mythical and magical FPS. That generally means OC, PBO, uber cooling, the fastest and most power hungry cpus, ram and gpus.

Which leaves the perfectly serviceable Pro4 at the bottom of the list of desirable motherboards. There's nothing inherently wrong or bad about the Pro4, it's just fine for what it is, but what it isn't is sufficient for the strongest flagship equipment.

There's also the 'looks' department. $3k+ worth of pc and a Pro4 is basically the same as showing up to a Hollywood Gala event in a Lamborghini, with a $10k suit, 100's of karats worth of diamonds hanging from rings and necklaces, and wearing Dollar store flip-flops. Ppl want the entire package to match and a Pro4 pair of flip-flops doesn't cut it.
I'm building a system for somebody with that board and a 5600G right now. Homework, internet, Minecraft, etc., without a graphics card installed. It will be fine for that and even for a decent entry level graphics card later when he decides to install one. I see no problem with the Pro4. They've always been budget boards with decent quality but also generally a few more features than most other boards in similar price range.
Karadjgne and Darkbreeze thank you both so very much for your posts :) .. and , completely unrelated but.. Darkbreeze is that the cheshire cat from American Mcgee's Alice that's your avatar? I freaking loved that game ! :) I really wish there was some sort of mod out there to update the graphics to something closer to today's standards and/or that Electronic Arts (who apparently owns the copyright for the game if I understand correctly) would re-release a "remastered" version of it under American Mcgee's supervision.

Thank you both as well for all that useful information :) ... Karadjgne I have noticed in some of the negative amazon reviews that the bitter complaints involve the Pro4 MB talk about their problems overclocking it... I stay away from overclocking completely due to my blatant paranoia 😛 , I know there are a lot of people who do that but I'm just not comfortable taking that chance... which in and by itself is reassuring especially given that you describe the MB as "perfectly serviceable" ...

Darkbreeze with regard to your comment "it will be fine for that and even for a decent entry level graphics card later when he decides to install one." ... do you see the " MSI Gaming Radeon RX 570 256-bit 8GB GDRR5 " as being "okay" for this Pro4 MB MB in terms of not overtaxing it and overall compatibility? That's the graphics card currently in my son's desktop PC that I plan on using until it dies 😛 since it's working out just fine for his purposes. The power supply in my my son's desktop is the "CORSAIR CX Series CX750 (New) CP-9020123-NA 750W ATX12V 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified " model.

Also (sorry yet more questions I know:) ) if I was to get say the as rock Steel Legend B450 or Steel Legend B550 model and pair it with the "ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB" and the " Thermaltake Toughpower Grand RGB 850w Fully Modular Power Supply 80 Plus Gold Certified " model " power supply I have in my desktop PC build do you think that would work out as well? I'm a bit more of a demanding gamer than my son in that I play games like say Witcher 3 , will be playing Rise of the Tomb Raider once I upgrade my PC that sort of thing - not looking for "stunning" graphics by any means I just want the games to work ! :)

I ask only because I wasn't sure what you meant by entry level graphics cards... for all I know (which is not much 😛 so of course will defer to wiser heads like your own :) or others here on the forum) the two graphics cards I'm currently using might qualify as "entry level" nowadays compared to say the $500 and up video card powerhouses (well powerhouse in my opinion anyways :) ) that gaming enthusiasts use.
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Yes, that's what it is.

Overclocking on a board like the Pro4 is dumb, and it's no wonder those people had problems. If you want to overclock then buy something from the mid tiers up to the flagship models. You don't buy a budget board to overclock with. If the board costs less than 150 dollars, it's probably not a good choice for ANY level of overclocking from mild to wild.

At this point I'd stay away from B450 boards. They simply lack some of the newer technologies and additional features that are found on B550 boards and the price differences aren't significant (Or even exist) in most cases anyhow these days. Entry level graphics cards, to me, are like anything below RTX 2060/3060 or the AMD equivalents. A GTX 1060 would definitely be considered not just an entry level card these days, but maybe even too weak to really be useful for the majority of modern games. In reality, I don't see any reason you couldn't use any mid tiered graphics card with this board to good effect. I wouldn't try to use it with an upper level card, because if you can afford one of those cards then you can afford a better motherboard, but it shouldn't REALLY be a problem even if you did.

And certainly some of these boards have problems. Guess what, some of ALL boards have problems. It's the nature of the technology. There WILL be some percentage of boards that simply fail or have problems. Same with stereos, tablets, and any other electronics out there.
Darkbreeze again thanks so much :) ... I just took the B450 off my amazon wishlist per your advice :) ... I'm lucky in that my kids are not overly demanding with their graphics .. my daughter is just fine playing at most Fortnite with her friends and , well you already know about the games my son runs... in my case if the PC just runs the game I'm happy :) ... I think the most demanding game I have in my steam library right now is "Rise of the Tomb Raider" and I have a bunch of PC games I haven't even gotten around to playing yet 😛 that are much less graphically demanding than that .. just looked at the recommended specs (rise of tomb raider) and it looks like once I do the upgrade on my desktop PC I'll be able to meet those.... but I'm happy to hear that none of the MB's I'm looking at will have a problem with our current graphics cards :) ...

With luck I'm hoping the existing graphics cards I have will last me for (maybe 3 or 4 more? hopefully longer?) years until the entry level graphics cards you mentioned or their equivalent drop to something ridiculous like $100 if I'm lucky :) and I'm ready to buy say Deathloop (which honestly probably won't happen until at least say 7 years from now) ... I wait until say 3 or 4 years (often longer) after a PC game has been released too so I can snag it cheap during a steam winter/summer sale or epic games gives it away for free so that helps too :) ... being the paranoid sort I max out all the fan slots in all my PC cases (six 120 mm fans going in my son and daughter's cases and five 140 mm fans going in my larger phanteks pro m case ) ... and I blow dust out of the PC's at least twice a year (really should be doing it more often than that) apparently dust build up kills a lot of PC's off due to the heat it traps (or so my research says you guys would probably know more about that than I would :) ... after learning the hard way nearby lightning strikes can and will kill components in your PC I upgraded to the more heavy duty tripp lite surge protectors the wirecutter recommends too.

But as always really helpful and useful info here Darkbreeze thanks so much :) .. I've mentioned this before but you tom's hardware forum guys are the best, always so helpful :) ... (I've been bothering people on here with my silly questions for years now 😛 and you guys have been very patient with me - much appreciated! :) ) ..
Yes, that's what it is.

Overclocking on a board like the Pro4 is dumb, and it's no wonder those people had problems. If you want to overclock then buy something from the mid tiers up to the flagship models. You don't buy a budget board to overclock with. If the board costs less than 150 dollars, it's probably not a good choice for ANY level of overclocking from mild to wild.

At this point I'd stay away from B450 boards. They simply lack some of the newer technologies and additional features that are found on B550 boards and the price differences aren't significant (Or even exist) in most cases anyhow these days. Entry level graphics cards, to me, are like anything below RTX 2060/3060 or the AMD equivalents. A GTX 1060 would definitely be considered not just an entry level card these days, but maybe even too weak to really be useful for the majority of modern games. In reality, I don't see any reason you couldn't use any mid tiered graphics card with this board to good effect. I wouldn't try to use it with an upper level card, because if you can afford one of those cards then you can afford a better motherboard, but it shouldn't REALLY be a problem even if you did.

And certainly some of these boards have problems. Guess what, some of ALL boards have problems. It's the nature of the technology. There WILL be some percentage of boards that simply fail or have problems. Same with stereos, tablets, and any other electronics out there.

I wholeheartedly agree with this, as i built my first budget build like a year ago with a b450 board.
I AM overclocking my CPU slightly, but i'm not exactly cool with it, and it HAS led to some issues.
Going to upgrade to a mid-tier board soon-ish because of this.
Budget boards are fine, just don't expect much OC capability out of them.
Those 30 bucks more are definitely worth investing for a higher "tier" mobo imho. Same for cases, btw...
The biggest issue with the Pro4 is its general 'budgetness'. It's rather lacking in heatsinks, the VRM's are thoroughly mediocre and to be honest, most 'gamers' are younger, inexperienced in pc building and try anything and everything in search of the mythical and magical FPS. That generally means OC, PBO, uber cooling, the fastest and most power hungry cpus, ram and gpus.

Which leaves the perfectly serviceable Pro4 at the bottom of the list of desirable motherboards. There's nothing inherently wrong or bad about the Pro4, it's just fine for what it is, but what it isn't is sufficient for the strongest flagship equipment.

There's also the 'looks' department. $3k+ worth of pc and a Pro4 is basically the same as showing up to a Hollywood Gala event in a Lamborghini, with a $10k suit, 100's of karats worth of diamonds hanging from rings and necklaces, and wearing Dollar store flip-flops. Ppl want the entire package to match and a Pro4 pair of flip-flops doesn't cut it.

Yup, VRM's for this model are 6+2 phases, not exactly robust and certainly not suitable for OC'ing or possibly even PBO : B550 VRM DB sheet (Ver 1.8) - Google Sheets

This list is a great resource for B550 purchases. If you want to overlock, you need a mobo with at least 8+2 or maybe 12+2 to be more sure the VRM's can handle it. if you want to give it a good shot.
thanks very much you guys :) ... I stay the heck away from OC'ing out of fear of it 😛 ... but threads like these will pop up in a google search even if someone is not a member of tom's hardware forums ... I say that only because this could help someone who does not have my fear of OC'ing but who doesn't realize this isn't the best board for this but has the wisdom to do a google search on it first :) ...

Pitchfork I hear you on the PC case and spending more for a better performance under normal circumstances I would absolutely take your advice .. I really wish I could afford the better MB and just replace the whole PC case to go with it to be assured of a proper MB fit and good cooling (the MB and CPU are an upgrade to an existing PC not a brand new PC build ) but that would put me bare minimum at $100 extra just for the PC case alone 🙁 ... I wouldn't blame you for your eyes glazing over at my long walls of text and I commend you simply for replying to this given my long walls of text 😛 (all the replies from all you guys are greatly appreciated :) ) but .. post three first paragraph you'll see me whining about my unexpected expenses this year 😛 ...
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Define 'I want these gpu's to last....' There's two ways to read that, physically and virtually.

As to the first, there's simply no telling. I've got a gpu that's over 20years old and still works. Darkbreeze and I have both lost count of the posts about newer/newish gpus that up and quit, not to mention the ones we've had our mitts on personally. It's pure pot-luck.

As to the second, that's somewhat impossible to say, nobody is Zotan the Magnificent and has a working crystal ball. Can't predict future software. The new Spider-Man is a simple revamp of a PS4 game to PS5 standards, ported to PC, but it's murder on a PC, even at 1080p. And no-one saw it coming. Other games like CSGO and Fortnite are far simpler. Also, games really don't change that much over time. Fortnite (if it lasts as long as CSGO has) will still graphically be very much the same, in 10 years time, so will still play on a potato gpu.

So a lot of 'how long' is highly dependent on you and yours, personally. If in 3-5 years from now SoTR is the simplest game instead of the most complex graphically, your current cards are going to have a very hard time with the graphics.

But that's tomorrow.
I wholeheartedly agree with this, as i built my first budget build like a year ago with a b450 board.
I AM overclocking my CPU slightly, but i'm not exactly cool with it, and it HAS led to some issues.
Going to upgrade to a mid-tier board soon-ish because of this.
Budget boards are fine, just don't expect much OC capability out of them.
Those 30 bucks more are definitely worth investing for a higher "tier" mobo imho. Same for cases, btw...
Don't get me wrong, there are PLENTY of B450 boards that are more than adequate for any kind of overclocking you want to do. It's just that they are lacking newer features that are found on the B550 boards. Regardless of what chipset we're talking about, ANY sub-150 dollar board is probably not the best option these days if you want to overclock. But for the most part it's waste of time anyhow since the manufacturer's have stretched the capabilities of these last two generations, from both camps, nearly as much as can be expected leaving little to no overhead for overclocking anyhow. So, why bother. Besides which, anything modern from last two Gens of AMD and Intel that aren't low end SKUs are probably more than most people actually NEED anyhow.
Can't see the point in OC anymore, and I've been overclocking cpus for as long as they've been overclockable. Double the price, or close enough, just to get 100-200Mhz just kinda lost its appeal. Gone are the hay-day of cpus like the i7-3770K where it's was possible to get a 1.1GHz OC from a cpu....

And there's seriously no point anymore in locked core OC. Not when you get 5.0GHz+ on every core in use, and not cooking the rest of the cpu in the process.
Define 'I want these gpu's to last....' There's two ways to read that, physically and virtually.

As to the first, there's simply no telling. I've got a gpu that's over 20years old and still works. Darkbreeze and I have both lost count of the posts about newer/newish gpus that up and quit, not to mention the ones we've had our mitts on personally. It's pure pot-luck.

As to the second, that's somewhat impossible to say, nobody is Zotan the Magnificent and has a working crystal ball. Can't predict future software. The new Spider-Man is a simple revamp of a PS4 game to PS5 standards, ported to PC, but it's murder on a PC, even at 1080p. And no-one saw it coming. Other games like CSGO and Fortnite are far simpler. Also, games really don't change that much over time. Fortnite (if it lasts as long as CSGO has) will still graphically be very much the same, in 10 years time, so will still play on a potato gpu.

So a lot of 'how long' is highly dependent on you and yours, personally. If in 3-5 years from now SoTR is the simplest game instead of the most complex graphically, your current cards are going to have a very hard time with the graphics.

But that's tomorrow.

thank you Karadjgne that is very useful info :) .... I had no idea the Spider Man game (which is on my wish list several years from now when it's cheap 😛 so this is good to know) is so demanding on a PC ...

Man I guess I've just been lucky, every graphics/video card I've purchased has worked straight out of the box I didn't know there were so many new graphics cards that died a premature death - hopefully my luck holds ! 😛 .. But that's good to know, that graphics cards are unpredictable and can die just like that.... again been super lucky I've never had one die on any of my PC builds ... but I'm definitely going to keep that sudden death syndrome in mind.

Also been lucky in that my kids (my wife does not like video games at ALL so no problems there ) don't go for the super graphically demanding games ... so with some more luck and given how long it takes me to finish a single campaign mode game (it's not unusual for me to take literally say 6 months to a year to get through a Batman Arkham game or Tomb Raider or Witcher game .. I enjoy the heck out of them just don't have as much time to play as I would like :) ) hopefully 5 years from now when I'm ready and the kids are ready the graphics cards I need will drop in price .. I think I've got literally 15 maybe 20 games in my Steam Library I can play in the meantime so.. again just lucky :) ...
Well boy do I feel like an idiot .. and apologies for spreading misinformation though for what it's worth there WAS an article online that said AMD had at one point officially declared they were pivoting towards higher end more expensive CPU's. I whined about this in post number 8 on the hardware canucks thread that I mentioned earlier.

However it looks like AMD has changed their policy.

I looked it up and sure enough I'm seeing the Ryzen 3 4100 for close to the $100 MSRP ... admittedly from a third party seller, to be honest I'd prefer to buy directly from amazon but on the other hand it shows as "fulfilled by amazon" at the time I post this meaning that it should be a more or less hassle free return if anything goes wrong ( poor harassed and overworked amazon warehouse worker damages the CPU while packaging it or sends the wrong one or what not) ..

I was also a bit disturbed in that the AMD 4100 is not showing up on the Windows 11 list of supported CPU's .. on the other hand if my online research is correct the 4100 is only a tiny bit better than the 3300x currently installed in my daughter's desktop PC and the Microsoft PC Health Check tool that MS has you run to see if your hardware supports Win 11 gave the 3300x a thumbs up when I ran it after the big news hit about Win 11 a while back.. so presumably the 4100 is okay too?

Although painfully enough my online research shows at a bare minimum - though there's a lot of arguing online about this 😛 .. that in the case of my son's desktop build and his intended major in computer science that I'll need at least the amd version of an intel 5 CPU , basically the AMD Ryzen 5600X I originally figured was my only cheapest option to begin with (sigh :) ) ... on the plus side it helps future-proof his PC a bit as opposed to getting the Ryzen 3 4100. I'll have to get my son to contact his intended university's comp. sci. dept. and get their recommendations on suggested desktop PC requirements, if a laptop is necessary and so forth.
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A bit late to the topic, haven’t used that particular board but I’ve got an Asrock ab350 pro 4 from 2017-18 time frame. Currently running a 5600x on it, though I’m thinking I’m going to sell the 5600x and get a 5900x instead which may not be the best idea for the board but I may try it anyway. However on my b350 model I have no complaints. Got it around launch and the ab350 pro 4 has been a good board for me possibly with a couple of years left before being retired. Not bad for a board I paid 75-80 dollars for back in the day.
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Built that system last week with the B550 Pro4, 5600G and 16GB of 3600mhz Ripjaws. Client is happy as a pig in s............well, you get the idea. No problems at all with it and I know they are pushing it fairly hard as he's already indicated he's going to need to add a discreet graphics card since he's changed his mind about only playing lighter games since it's working so much better for him than his Xbox. His words, not mine.
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guys apologies for posting the same thing in different threads but.. well the only reason I'm doing that is sometimes these threads come up in a google search and I didn't want to give anyone misinformation about my experience with this particular thread .. for anyone on google reading this (hi there :) ) please see this thread as well things didn't go so well for me with the asus rock motherboard 🙁 so looks like it's luck of the draw , you might get a MB with properly updated bios for the amd ryzen 5 series processors or you might not

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