Is the ASUS 1060 6GB DUAL OC good value?


Oct 12, 2010
I have a dying Asus R9 290 GPU and need to replace it soon. I play on 1080p so a GTX 1060 should be fine at that resolution. One of the cheapest 6GB options was the ASUS 1060 6GB DUAL OC. However I could not find a single review that mentioned its noise levels and am concerned that the fans will be too loud when put to the max.

Does anyone have any comments / experience about its noise levels? Also am I being overly concerned about the missing SLI feature impact its resale value?
I own one of these cards. I run the fans at 90% all the time. They are not too loud, but it feels like going from 90% to 100% gives quite a noticable noise increase, so I would not recommend going above 90.

As for the resale value, there aren't any 1060s with the SLI feature, so the ASUS dual isn't an exception.