Is the cool master 212 evo or plus good enough for i7 4770k and will it fit in my case


Sep 20, 2014
Hey guys/girls! I'm kinda confused ATM... so i'm looking to get a CPU cooler for my i7 4770k. Right now i'm using its integrated graphics, and when i open world of Warcraft it gets all the way up to 90c so obviously the stock cooler is not cutting it. I've been looking at the cool master 212 hyper evo and cool master 212 hyper Plus will one of these coolers be enough to keep my cpu in the 70's while under load? I am not currently overclocking do not plan to ATM and the last thing will one of these fit in my computer case (Corsair Spec 01) if it does not fit where is it that it doesn't fit? is it hitting the side panel or is there just not enough space here is a link to my build thank you for spending your time helping me out i REALLY appreciate it!!

Well, yes. If you want to run it with the side panel off it will fit. It will be just an open box.
A dusty, noisy open box.