Hi I am thinking of using this motherboard for a new build because it is the cheapest non-H110 chipset and I couldn't find any reviews of it. Would it be OK for an i5 6600? Thanks.
It would be ok, but you will need to use DDR3 memory. Better take one with DDR4 support. BTW, why are you ruling H110 chipset out?
I don't mind the DDR3 thing and also i was thinking about this one because it is like the same price as H110 but it has better features no? http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/products/motherboard/#s=30&sort=a8&page=1
It is £0.01 more expensive than the cheapest skylake motherboard that's why I was wondering if it is too cheap to be true
You should mind the DDR3 thing. Skylake was created with DDR4 in mind. While it will work with DDR3, why partially lock yourself on a new build to old tech?
You should mind the DDR3 thing. Skylake was created with DDR4 in mind. While it will work with DDR3, why partially lock yourself on a new build to old tech?
Hmm a DDR4 MB + DDR4 RAM comes up £8 more than the DDR3 one. Might go with it then. MSI H110M PRO-VD PLUS Micro ATX. Would this one be OK for the i5 6600 and GTX 1060?