Is the i5-6600K worth $100 more than the i5-4690K?


Mar 17, 2016
The 6600K is not that much more of course, but the components that you use to build the PC are.

Here's why I'm asking. Two building I'm considering between: - 4690K - 6600K

Some would say the 6600K is more "future proof" whatever that means. Really it just means if you're cheap you can squeeze a few extra years out of it. But aside form that, is there any reason to get the 6600K system. My understanding is that the RAM speed boosts don't add too much to gaming performance.

Opinions? I like the price point of the 4690K system more...

In my opinion, no it's not going to be much more future proof than a 4690K; DDR4 vs DDR3 and RAM speed differences in general...

In my opinion, no it's not going to be much more future proof than a 4690K; DDR4 vs DDR3 and RAM speed differences in general translate into minute FPS difference in games. Even if you're on Bloomfield you're still right up there if we're just talking games You may want to look at this thread as well

I faced a similar dilemma when building my mini-ITX; at the time I was debating between an i5 6400 and an i5 4440; finally I got fed up with the (at the time) higher price of Skylake+mobo and went with the i5 4440. Performs great.
Right now, it's not worth the 100$, it's not much faster and DDR4 vs DDR3 in games, basically no difference.
But, if you want to upgrade your RAM in the future, I would suggest going with the 6600k, because in a year or so DDR3 will be twice as expensive as it is now.
You won't get any performance increase right now, but I think it's worth the $100 if you plan to upgrade in the future.
If you're already spending that much why not make it future proof?