Is the intel i5-7600 any good?


May 13, 2017
I would love go get a ryzen 5 1600 but i can't afford fast ram so I was wondering what cpu is close to a 1600 and I saw the 7600 so i was wondering would it be any good for gaming , livestreaming games like league of legends , overwatch?

yes i know ryzen is much better! I would love to buy ryzen but in the shop I want to buy the components in(in croatia)
there is not many options for ram. i can give you the link of the shop and just translate the website. And using google u can transfer our curency to dollars

my budget is about 7600 kunas by paying montly. there under the lowest prices it says regular price and to the right is like a info button click that and see count using the 24 month pay price if you know what i mean


i read it wrong my bad sorry. my budget is about 7600 kunas by paying montly. there under the lowest prices it says regular price and to the right is like a info button click that and see count using the 24 month pay price if you know what i mean

yes that motherboard is on sale now so it would fit for sure!

but they question is do they ship to croatia?

yep i agree with you im scared of buying a prebuilt beacuse of the psu mostly. they could put good quality components and a 10 dollar psu. i will build a pc dont worry m8!