Hey guys, just asking to see if I can upgrade my (OEM) MSI 2AE0 motherboard with the Athlon X4 760K CPU. I'm looking to give my old HP Pavilion 500-164 (with most of its guts) to my little brother, who recently wanted to get into PC gaming. The PC came with an A8-6500 pre-installed, but I wanted to upgrade so it wouldn't bottleneck the GPU (a GTX 750 Ti hand-me-down), while giving the best performance possible for a low budget build. I'm already upgrading to an ASRock 990FX motherboard and an AMD FX-8350 8-core processor for my PC, but I wanted to know if the 2AE0 is even compatible with this AMD Athlon CPU. I checked a few sites, and it seems that the 2AE0's highest compatible upgrade CPU-wise is the A10-5800K, but I've also heard that most Trinity, Godvari, and Kavari CPUs are fine. The BIOS version is 80.52, and I'm not sure if it can support these newer processors. Anyway, help would really be appreciated. Thanks!