Is the msi x99a raider a good board?


May 13, 2015
Hello, i was wondering if any has any experience for with this board and would they recommend it since its on sale at the moment for 130 dollars. The pc I'm looking to build is for gaming, and programs i works be using solidworks, autocad, matlab. Or would i better off with a z170 build, a friend of mine is willing to sell me a new asrock z170 extreme7+ that he bought for 180 on sale and was planning to return it due to him buying a more expensive board. The 6700k is usually costs 30 to 50 dollars more than the 5820k around where i live
Yeah, im not to sure which one to get, the asrock from what i can find about it is one there top tier motherboards and will be 160 after mail in rebate. i leaning towards the 5820k bc it will be about at least 60 dollars cheaper than the skylake and that could go b towards the graphics card. The thing I'm worried about is the not so great reviews of the x99a raider

Just curious, what in particular do you dislike about the board? The does not seem to be many tech reviews about it
I've decided that I'm going live dangerously and go with the msi x99a raider and the 5820k. As much as it kills me to turn down the disgustingly sexy beast monster looking asrock, the 2 extra cores, more pcie lanes and lower price i can't simple pass up. I appreciate the help
Actually it really depends on whether will price match my local microcenters 5820k prices since I have gift cards from them. If that falls through, I'll use them to buy ebay gift cards and buy the 6700k through neweggs store. Will update later.
Ordered the 5820k and should arrive sometime next week, 16gb hyperx coming to tomorrow and a dark rock pro 3. The dark rock was surprisingly hard to find stateside retailer so it's getting shipped from Germany not sure how long that'll take