is the psu good enough for this build ?

I don't see any other good PSU on those 3 websites that you have provided me, either way, I would really go with the S12 if possible.

P.S. Don't even consider Antec's VP series, CM's Elite series, and Corsair CX series. Corsair VS* series are okay if they are above 700w, other than that you are just waiting to fry your 1060.
Based on the power consumption that is required by your build, that 430w PSU should be more than enough. If you're planning on adding more stuff on your build consider that this PSU has only one PCI-e connector. EVO 520w though is one of the most popular PSU's available on my country given the fact that it has two PCI-e connectors. If you have the chance or a little wiggle room for the budget that you have, if I were you I'd go for the EVO 520w.

the evo 520 isnt available here and all xfx psus are op only the normal is available the 520w and eco 430 and the crappy corsairs and coolermasters although i have found antec psus but some say theyre shit
What 520w PSU do you mean then? Is it the S12 II 520w? Both EVO and S12 II 520w PSU have good reviews online you can't go bad at them. There are series on Antec PSU that are garbage (e.g. SmartPower and TruePower series), I'd still stay away from them to be honest. Corsair Vengeance 400w and 500w both are good as well. I believe Corsair RM 450w are good as well.

the one i meant is the non evo:
can you recommend a good psu ?
the antec ones i mean were vp450p and vp500pc but theyre not that good

I don't see any other good PSU on those 3 websites that you have provided me, either way, I would really go with the S12 if possible.

P.S. Don't even consider Antec's VP series, CM's Elite series, and Corsair CX series. Corsair VS* series are okay if they are above 700w, other than that you are just waiting to fry your 1060.