Is the rx 460 good upgrade for HD 7750?


Sep 5, 2017
I have an a10 6800k and hd 7750. It works great. I play all my games 1080p or 900p at 60 fps at worst medium setting but I want to play games like the witcher 3 and Pubg at playable framerates. How can I do this?, I thought and I came across the rx 460.

Dont tell me I can't play the witcher with an rx 460 btw, with my hd 7750, on 900p low settings, I get 45 fps. I just want to bump that up to 60. Pubg I get 20 fps and it takes about 4 minutes for the map to load. I want t get that to atleast 45 and not have to wait etc.

Being a budget gamer, I am fine with low graphical setting I just want to be able to see someone 100 meters away from me without it being a pixelated blob

Your apu may well be your bottleneck.

Try this test:

Run YOUR games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.
If your FPS stays the same, you are likely more cpu limited.

I thought of it but from where I am at, the 460 is cheaper. If anything, is it good? can it provide to me what I need?
Your apu may well be your bottleneck.

Try this test:

Run YOUR games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.
If your FPS stays the same, you are likely more cpu limited.
You can check these against available pricing in your area
