Question Is thear a plugin for notepad++ that lets me add anything to the tab collection.


May 9, 2017

I want to have some web pages, pictures and keePass(or any password saving app) displayed on the notepad++ tab collection.

I posted ate notepade++ forum a hr ago. So I thought I'd up my chances by posting hear :)

Is the Menu Icon plugin not sufficient?
Is the Menu Icon plugin not sufficient?
My manager looks like this

I want to have ether a http or this picter and a password colecter displayed in notpad++ to save me the time off having to look for them in taskbar. I have 5 monitors. I perfer the web page due to I can us mouse wheel to scroll down.

EDIT: I try'd preview HTML. 🙁
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So you want to use the Notepad++ Menubar as a pseudo application/HTML launcher?

Why not create your own HTML, and have that as a default opening page in your browser.
All your links etc, right there whenever you open a browser window.
So you want to use the Notepad++ Menubar as a pseudo application/HTML launcher?

Why not create your own HTML, and have that as a default opening page in your browser.
All your links etc, right there whenever you open a browser window.
Ahh.. Thats the word i'm looking for. "Pseudo" application/HTML launcher. But ya.

I started looking in to it. I don't know how to link my text doc's for them to be abul to be written to at the same time open'd in web browser tab's. I am always making tune's of text/notes editing to my files.
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