Is there a book you just can't stop reading over and over again?

Rafael Mestdag

Mar 25, 2014
Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a pedo, but I adore Lolita, from Vladimir Nabokov. I've never been to the US and probably never will be, so reading it, is a lovely way of getting to know that great country better.

I simply can't stop reading this great novel over and over again. What about you?

Absolutely terrible read, but taxes are due and regulations keep changing.
Nope, not a lawyer. Simply unfortunate enough to hold US passport.


I can't imagine an american thinking it's unfortunate to be one. But I do get the frustration with the ever changing tax regulations.
UBIK by Philip K Dick ..... I've probably read it 20 times. Anything by PKD is amazing:

the man in the high castle (recently made in to a television series)
a scanner darkly (made in to a movie of the same name)
do androids dream of electric sheep (became the movie "blade runner")
the movie minority report was based on one of his short stories of the same name
both total recall films based on "we can remember it for you wholesale"
a maze of death
Flow my tears, the policeman said
and soooo many more....
Three comrades, I read it in English, then again and again, then in German, then I started reading in both variants and comparing the original version with its translation, then I took different translations
"The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". I read it several times during the summer when I was in college and not taking classes. I still have the hardback edition, it might be time to dig it out since I probably won't remember most of the stories and would be able to enjoy it again without knowing the endings.
"La vida es sueño" by Calderón. It's really sad to know that you will never understand any other idiom as a native does, and specially enjoy the writting and, even more, verses. I am spanish and this also applies to sung music. Complex lyrics grow in crypticism exponentially.