Is there a difference between the rx 470

you definitely need an upgrade to the PSU. theoretically, 400w of excellent PSU would be enough. But I seriously doubt it's the case with this Venom (couldn't find any reliable review so I might be wrong).
As far as it goes for your CPU, you can pair it with any GPU. Even high end GTX 1080 if you have really high res monitor (1440p, 3440x1440p, 4K).
So it depends on what you are going to do with the system.
for 1080p monitor, GTX 1060 6GB or RX 480 8GB are perfect match. With GTX 1060 3GB, RX 480 4GB and of course RX 470 you will need to lower some settings in some games.
for 1440p monitor, GTX 1070 is perfect, the GTX 1060 6GB and RX 480 8GB are ok (same story about lowering some settings)
You do need a bit of RAM. 8GB is enough, but...

the rx 470s there are 150 but is the 1060 really better? ive seen a couple of reviews that say that the rx 470 is actually better

ooo and my build rn is:
Motherboard: Gigabyte H81M-DS2
Processor: i5 3.2 Hz
Case: stock case that comes with old prebuilt normal pc
Ram: 4gb
psu: 350 W

i also want to up my ram to 8gb

Im sorry i ask so many questions lol, so i found out that my PSU is a 400 W Venom RX.
Then, i am still thinking which gpu im going to buy, these are the choices:
RX 470:

Rx 480:

For the RAM i chose:

Any opinions on these? and do i need to up my PSU? im so sorry again i ask soo many questions haha
The rx 470 is 150 or 165 and the 480 4 gb is $180 so im not really sure which to pick, plus im scared that i have to upgrade alot of things if i want the rx 480 haha
Thanks a lot for answering these it really helps and i really appreciate you guys!
you definitely need an upgrade to the PSU. theoretically, 400w of excellent PSU would be enough. But I seriously doubt it's the case with this Venom (couldn't find any reliable review so I might be wrong).
As far as it goes for your CPU, you can pair it with any GPU. Even high end GTX 1080 if you have really high res monitor (1440p, 3440x1440p, 4K).
So it depends on what you are going to do with the system.
for 1080p monitor, GTX 1060 6GB or RX 480 8GB are perfect match. With GTX 1060 3GB, RX 480 4GB and of course RX 470 you will need to lower some settings in some games.
for 1440p monitor, GTX 1070 is perfect, the GTX 1060 6GB and RX 480 8GB are ok (same story about lowering some settings)
You do need a bit of RAM. 8GB is enough, but 16 much more comfortable.
regarding PSUs, you seems to prefer newegg, so here is the list from there:
Please note that those are picked at current pricing. It might change. XFX TS series are also great PSUs.

Im kinda on a tight bdget so do you think 470 for $150 or rx 480 4gb for $180 dollars which would be better and also i think im just gonna go with 8 gigs of ram cuz its just cheaper and i dont really mind gaming at just high settings and yea i use 1080p.
With the psu's if i try it with my current psu and if its not strong enough would it dmg anything? And do i need extra coolers or anything????
Plus my monitor is quite bad at only 60 hz should i just get cheaper 470 and a better monitor or still go with the 480 becuz its a better value
For 1080p I think the 470 would get the job done for you. The 1060 and 480 are nice because they of course do great at 1080p but also have more power which can come in handy if you were to get a 1440p monitor or a higher refresh rate monitor. If you're not going to do that, the 470 4gb is all you need.
8GB of RAM will not affect your gaming settings. you might need to close other apps (like browser with 20 open tabs) when you play the games, but as I said - 16GB is just more convenient, no performance gains over 8GB.
RX 470 is better value. In case of tight budget, you'd be better spending those 30$ on PSU.
The result of failing PSU are unpredictable. Like really good units have protection from all kinds of failures. But simple ones can just die, can fry your components or entire system or even set your computer on fire.
No you don't need anything in addition.
1080p@60Hz is not bad. It normal monitor that majority of gamers use (including me).

OK final question haha, is there a big difference between the rx 470 and 480 like right now i have the choice of picking either.
is there a big difference between the two?
ill probably get the seasonic psu the 620 one

So in your opinion i should just get the $150 rx 470 instead of the msi gaming one like is 24 mHz a big performance diff? and yea ill use the extra 30 gb to get a psu thx a lot

So in your opinion i should just get the $150 rx 470 instead of the msi gaming one like is 24 mHz a big performance diff? and yea ill use the extra 30 gb to get a psu thx a lot

In the end i bought the rx 480 cuz i got another $20 off and now im just thinking of buying the psu.
Should i get the s12ii 520 W or m12ii its a $10 diff here in my country or should i use that $10 to buy the 620 s12ii?

Thank you so much man! I really appreciate your help and time for answering all of these haha, you've been such a great help thx againnn!