Hey guys, don't know much about PC's, but I'm getting no where near the FPS I should be getting.
So basically in January I bought a 1060 and popped it in my computer and I was getting great FPS. Something like 130 on H1Z1 on low settings.
One day around a month ago I got on and my FPS is now barely 30 on it. I'm getting around 100 FPS on CS and around 80 FPS on Overwatch. My frames are absolutely awful. All my drivers are updated, and I have no idea why they're down and they never went back up. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling my drivers, I even fac reset my comp and reinstalled windows. I also tried an old driver off Nvidia's site.
I'm not sure what information you guys need. I'll respond to any question with answers.
My CPU is an AMD A10-6800k APU with Radeon HD Graphics 4.10
RAM is 10GB
This is the exact Graphics Card I bought https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01IPVSLTC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
Is there a reason why my FPS has been absolute shit? My old built in GPU did about as good.
So basically in January I bought a 1060 and popped it in my computer and I was getting great FPS. Something like 130 on H1Z1 on low settings.
One day around a month ago I got on and my FPS is now barely 30 on it. I'm getting around 100 FPS on CS and around 80 FPS on Overwatch. My frames are absolutely awful. All my drivers are updated, and I have no idea why they're down and they never went back up. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling my drivers, I even fac reset my comp and reinstalled windows. I also tried an old driver off Nvidia's site.
I'm not sure what information you guys need. I'll respond to any question with answers.
My CPU is an AMD A10-6800k APU with Radeon HD Graphics 4.10
RAM is 10GB
This is the exact Graphics Card I bought https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01IPVSLTC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
Is there a reason why my FPS has been absolute shit? My old built in GPU did about as good.