is there a way to overclock an intel Q6600 processor on a del X38 OTP406 mobo


Jun 1, 2015
I have a dell xps 420 on the above mother board but it doesn't allow me to overclock, is there a work around?

Yes, but I wouldn't advise it. The board was not designed for OC'ing. No heat sinks on the VRMs, poor Phase power, lower end components that won't take the added stress of increased voltage and freq., and no decent way to add an aftermarket cooler required for OC'ing.

Yes, it's called the BSEL Mod. Intel used three contacts on LGA775 to let the CPU tell the chipset what speed to run the FSB at. The instructions here allow you to reconfigure the signals to tell the chipset to run at different speeds. I'd start off by setting the BSEL to 333 MHz (1333 MHz FSB) as that is 3.0 GHz, which is generally pretty easy to attain on a G0 stepping Q6600.



Yes, but I wouldn't advise it. The board was not designed for OC'ing. No heat sinks on the VRMs, poor Phase power, lower end components that won't take the added stress of increased voltage and freq., and no decent way to add an aftermarket cooler required for OC'ing.