Is there a way to test if hardware is bad?


Mar 5, 2006
I built My new computer in November - but now after a month of being solid, it has started acting funny. Windows is freezing, hanging up, wont restart - nothing ive tried works. -Im Wondering if i have a hardware problem. Motherobard, memory, CPU, PSU?

Is there a way i can run a program (assuming it would instal and run) to test if my hardware is ok?

PassMarks burn-in test 5.3 tests all your hardware at once, be sure to uncheck any hardware that you don't have or have plugged in.

Systemlord, :sol:
The program doesn't find anything, start swapping parts. I'd start with the RAM and PSU. All else fails disassemble completely including the mobo and make sure you have the precise number of standoffs and test each part after it's reinstalled.
Have tried making a new partition of the system drive and installing a fresh copy of windows and all software again. Has taken me 2 days up to this point...
The only real way to test hardware is by substitution with known good parts.

Full system specs also will help us.

You may have a hard drive problem.

If you are running Vista, try to see what happens if you install XP.

Thermal problems?

OK, after 3 days i think i found the possible problem.
There was NO virus... and No hardware problem. The problem was software...
I think the problem might have been something to do with diskeeper 2007.

I ran "msnconfig" and turned off all process except Microsoft ones, and i discovered that when diskeeper was disabled the computer ran normally. So I uninstalled diskeeper. ( diskeeper when enabled properly wasnt running normally anyway and was reporiting errors). It had previously worked fine, but decided to do this suddenly.

I dont understand it, but can a program get corupted somehow and cause system instability?

I also installed a seperate partition of windows and installed everything again. All was good, until i tried to instal diskeeper 2007 again. The computer (a new separate partition separate from the other) did the same thing. It showed the same erratic behavior.

So, now my only problem is that windows will not instal updates from windows update. Says Instalation failed.
Dont know what thats about.... but at least im back to work now.
And since you asked... My specs are '

Windows XP PRO
CPU: INtel Q6600 Quad core cpu
MB: Gigabyte GA-X38-DQ6
Video: Asus 8800GT

A program can be corrupt or just not compatible, which will cause stability problems. As to the Windows update problem, you could try a Windows repair off the CD but likely will need a clean, full format of the partition, install. If you have more than one drive, disconnect the second until Windows is installed. For what ever reason Windows gets confused when there is more than one drive during install and will sometimes install on something other than the C drive.
No i have a dual boot. System drive is a Raptor 150g split into two 75g partitions with Windows XP pro on both the c:/ and d:/ drive.

Doesn't sound like a problem to me ...