Is there an App (or way) to copy files from a Virus-infected C: drive?

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Nov 18, 2012
Hi, all....

I have an older rig running WinXP 32-bit Pro (with service pack 3) that seems to have caught a "virus" (that somehow got by my always-updated, real-time-scanning, McAfee anti-virus software) that won't let me connect to the internet, won't let McAfee run a virus scan, and won't let me copy any files (the "Copy" command is there, but the "Paste" command is absent after I highlight files and click on "Copy").

Given the situation above, can anyone suggest how I can copy the files on my C: drive to an external hard drive, in an effort to copy and save the files, before I (apparently have to) re-format my C: drive?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, guys.
Make a Linux boot CD, boot off that, you can then use the Linux OS to copy the files to an external drive. The trick here is how do you know you are not also going to just copy the virus files over along with your other stuff?

You need to run a full scan on the drive using a virus scanner first, you can make a rescue CD to boot from, just like the Linux one. Run the virus scan first, then boot off Linux to copy the files, then wipe and install new Windows.

Antivirus CD
Linux boot CD
Actually, try disabling McAfee, it might be a recent update that is causing the issue. Don't have it start up during boot. Restart the Pc then see if your issues persist.

If so then you need to contact McAfee.

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