is there any different ram ddr4 2x4g or 1x8g

Sep 7, 2018
which one should if buy it one 8 g or 2x4g for performance and if i wanna add more ram in future
asus b350 a-cm
gtx 1060 ti 3g
and no sdd driver

thank u for helping me
2x4gb is faster as it can operate in dual channel mode which is double the bandwidth.

As for adding RAM later there is always a risk that RAM not purchased as a single kit will not work properly. Usually ok if you get the same make and model or at least speed and timings but it’s not guaranteed. I have had issues mixing same make and model in the past.
2x4gb is faster as it can operate in dual channel mode which is double the bandwidth.

As for adding RAM later there is always a risk that RAM not purchased as a single kit will not work properly. Usually ok if you get the same make and model or at least speed and timings but it’s not guaranteed. I have had issues mixing same make and model in the past.
Yes, the difference is with 2x sticks you can run dual-channel and essentially double your memory bandwidth. 1x stick will run single channel and gaming performance will suffer. Adding more RAM to what you have now is a gamble on if it will work correctly together or not. RAM is meant to run in a kit.
think of a single stick as a tank of water with 1 opening. no matter how large the tank is the amount that can pss the opening is limited.

dual channel would be having a large container of water and 2 openings for water to exit. the tank will drain faster than if it had one.