Question Is there any totally free IP Hiding software ?


Apr 16, 2014
I can't get my hands on any totally free IP hiding software for windows (or mac). Is there any known one, that would always work and never expire ?
Nobody is hiding your IP and rerouting/repackaging all your traffic for free forever...

VPN services route/reroute/repackage data, and require tons of bandwidth and CPU power, none of which are free...(hence, the success of so many competing VPN services for a few dollars per month.)
Unfortunately like everything else you get what you pay for. None of the free providers work reliably and they're usually just data-mining. The cheaper services are better but also don't work reliably for unblocking websites, watching movies, etc. Generally the most reliable companies are the more expensive ones.

As for something that never expires I've heard of some companies that offer "Lifetime Subscriptions".

Hope this helps.