Question Is there any way to make Notepad and Control Panel have a dark background ?


Jul 21, 2014
Hi guys, i found dark mode on windows 10 pretty weird. not everything is with dark background. I had to install on chrome, the Dark Reader extension. Now everything is fine. But not on windows 10 itself. Im using the lastest version. notepad, control panel, the header of the windows explorer folders, volume mixer, etc. I made a imgur post with the problems that i have with windows 10 dark mode.


The only workaround that worked for me, was using UltraUXThemePatcher that makes me able to use a custom theme with dark mode that really makes every window and software have a dark background.

well thats it, i really hope someone have a solution for this problem that i have on Windows 10. My eyes are sensitive to those white backgrounds that smartphones and monitors have, so i always try to change it to dark mode.
Not something (full disclosure) that I have explored or tried but you may have some options available.

You might need to, for example, open the app first and then run some simple script to change the background along with the font colors so the text, etc. will still be visible to read.

Suggest that anything you try be done in a test environment. All too easy set font color to screen color and all is blank or otherwise unreadable.... :)
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Hi guys, i found dark mode on windows 10 pretty weird. not everything is with dark background. I had to install on chrome, the Dark Reader extension. Now everything is fine. But not on windows 10 itself. Im using the lastest version. notepad, control panel, the header of the windows explorer folders, volume mixer, etc. I made a imgur post with the problems that i have with windows 10 dark mode.


The only workaround that worked for me, was using UltraUXThemePatcher that makes me able to use a custom theme with dark mode that really makes every window and software have a dark background.

well thats it, i really hope someone have a solution for this problem that i have on Windows 10. My eyes are sensitive to those white backgrounds that smartphones and monitors have, so i always try to change it to dark mode.
Notepad++ is a more advanced, free notepad/text editor that has themes and dark mode. It is mostly known for viewing and editing code.

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why not ask for a dark task manager as well? They haven't even done that in windows 11 yet.

I think a lot of the legacy parts of windows are left that way so that the programs that still use them don't have any weird reactions to changes. Eventually they will replace them or upgrade them to work with the newer themes. Control panel for instance is being replaced slowly by the settings menu and what can't be will stay in the windows tools menu (but that is more in the future versions, not win 10. )
Cynical answer is MS only update the appearance of things that the vast majority of users will use. Its only the techie type people who notice they haven't made everything pretty yet, they have just done enough to convince 90% of users its new.
Same applies to Windows 11; an obvious example from ll is the right click desktop - show more options choice, opens a menu that uses the win 10 scheme. So you don't have to scratch surface of windows hard to notice much of its just wallpaper changes. That goes all the way back to XP really, they just slap a new theme on every 5 years and call it a new OS. At least last 2 have been partially free. Sometimes people reject the new look... vista, 8, 11? (tbf 11 so close in looks to 10 I could forget I am using it)
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regarding task manager, maybe I was too harsh on Microsoft
all they did was remove the tabs and make them choices on side of screen instead... wow, more rearranging deckchairs.
early days, it might even support the themes.
Only on Win 11 though, and maybe not until 1st version update so a months away yet.
If you are using the windows version 1809 or later then you can change your control panel cooler into dark mode. To do that-
Go to Settings > Personalization > Colors then Change the setting by clicking on the “Dark” button under “Choose your default app mode."

By pressing Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen one can turn on and off high contrast or dark mode,
Or go to Settings>Ease of Access>High contrast>Turn on high contrast > High Contrast Black. But remember one thing it will change the whole color scheme in Windows.
why not ask for a dark task manager as well? They haven't even done that in windows 11 yet.

I think a lot of the legacy parts of windows are left that way so that the programs that still use them don't have any weird reactions to changes. Eventually they will replace them or upgrade them to work with the newer themes. Control panel for instance is being replaced slowly by the settings menu and what can't be will stay in the windows tools menu (but that is more in the future versions, not win 10. )
yeah, dark task manager would be good too
I hope someone from microsoft read this thread and for gods sake, make a update to make everything dark on apps, and all the things said here.
The dark mode is half-done. please microsoft, do a complete dark mode overhaul