Question Is there something i need to change?


Apr 29, 2017
So ive been streaming for a year or two but my views and followers havent really gone up.

Ive been brain storming and asking the people who DO watch as I stream but no real definitive answer

Am I doing something wrong while streaming or is it something else?
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So far ive tried sharing and looking at all the people i stream with, i have my theories but i want an outside opinion.
I watched for a minute and have some suggestions. Most channels I've watched (at least with Siege) that have a lot of viewers include some kind of gimmick. It might be a personality, a page theme (e.g. all red and black), drops/giveaways, goofball gameplay, pro level gameplay, or simply "road to [rank]". These add some kind of story to the channel so it is interesting to click on and hang around.

Another point is that those streams include webcams. I'm not sure why but people seem to like a face which humanises the channel more and shows reactions to crazy plays.

I think those are the main points: something unique about your channel including a good-looking page layout, and a webcam (if you don't want to do that, maybe the gimmick could be you play as a cat using that face changing software). Hope that helps.
Thank you for replying,
While Id like to play with a face cam, i stream via PS4 so adding a software to hide/replace my face would be difficult (to my knowledge); as for the page changing, i looked in to that about a month ago, and you cannot customise the page as throughly, mostly the images for the stand by and offline images displayed - for some reason you cant use any of the twitch add-ons if you're streaming with a PS4 or XBoxone (as far as i know).

Ill think over the gimmik though, its a good idea and will make the game more interesting if i do it right lol.
Here is the thing with streaming, every 14 yr old with a computer wants to do it, and does it.
Outside of random friends, pretty much no random streamer gets any views enough to satisfy their egos, never mind trying to make money out of it.

It's only good for pro players, cute girls, or known names already from other games or online fame.

If you are not one of those, don't expect much from streaming.