Is there such a thing?

May 17, 2018
I am trying to find a piece of software that when a laptop is turned on the user is faced with a screen showing some terms and conditions that have to be agreed to before they can proceed to use the laptop.

Have searched for such a thing but no luck....any ideas?
Not sure whether such a thing exists as it could be a tedious process to go through for anybody logging on to that pc.
If you are/want to be the admin, you can modify user controls through the "user account control settings" and just share the account password with the relevant people...

What is the specific use case for this?
Knowing that may lead to a real solution.
3 answers popped up while I was working on an answer for you. I guess I'm slow (and my net keeps disconnecting... excuses excuses). If the above answers don't help, here's what I was thinking:

I looked for software but found nothing.

I tried the following and it worked. It may have limitations though (the size of the EULA may be limited to what can be shown on one screen). There is only an "OK" button. There's no way to have another button like "Cancel" shut down the PC.

WARNING: Always backup your registry before trying to edit it. Here are instructions from Microsoft:

This page is a little off. The registry key should be "CurrentVersion" (no spaces) and not "Current Version" (with a space). So open regedit and paste this in at the top: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

Here are my results:
