A ADrunkBunny Reputable Jan 17, 2016 280 0 4,810 Feb 26, 2017 #1 In some games my cpu and gpu both stay around 10-30% usage i7 3770k @ 4.2ghz 980ti
Justiceinacan Admirable Jul 19, 2016 2,042 0 6,960 Feb 26, 2017 #2 What games? Is your performance subpar? Upvote 0 Downvote
T Tanoxil Reputable Jan 27, 2017 232 0 4,760 Feb 26, 2017 #3 Maybe because your Vsync is enabled Upvote 0 Downvote
A ADrunkBunny Reputable Jan 17, 2016 280 0 4,810 Feb 26, 2017 #4 V-sync disable only about to achieve 10-30fps in games like arma 2 and arma 3 and in csgo and league which is fine since i still get more then 150fps Upvote 0 Downvote
V-sync disable only about to achieve 10-30fps in games like arma 2 and arma 3 and in csgo and league which is fine since i still get more then 150fps
T Tanoxil Reputable Jan 27, 2017 232 0 4,760 Feb 26, 2017 #5 So what's the problem exactly? If they are both at around 10-30% that means the games you play don't require more than that. Upvote 0 Downvote
So what's the problem exactly? If they are both at around 10-30% that means the games you play don't require more than that.
A ADrunkBunny Reputable Jan 17, 2016 280 0 4,810 Feb 26, 2017 #6 no but in arma 2 and 3 its stays around 10-30 fps Upvote 0 Downvote