Is this a CPU bottleneck?


Jul 30, 2013
Hello Folkes,
So I recently purchased a second Nvidia 980. I've been getting very poor frames in Far Cry 4, GTA 5 and other such games. I've been told that its a CPU bottleneck and the frames im getting at 1080p arnt right. I have an 8350. Im thinking of purchasing an i7 4790K this week but I need to be certain its a CPU bottleneck before I do so. There isn't any chance its my PSU that causing low frames which is a CX750M is it? Can people confirm its a CPU bottleneck? Not a PSU issue?
Thanks so much in advance,

cx corsair series have poor capacitors, they tend to die early. Replace as soon as you can.

Get a evga supernova g2 unit 850w.

8350 is a poor choice when it comes to sli, also those games are very cpu bound...

cx corsair series have poor capacitors, they tend to die early. Replace as soon as you can.

Get a evga supernova g2 unit 850w.

8350 is a poor choice when it comes to sli, also those games are very cpu bound.

Perfect storm of poor performance yes.


Thank you Maxalge, im keeping this post open for a little longer until I get a wider range of options. I know that on games like project cars and the Witcher 3 there isnt really any issue and GPU usage is all the way up at 90%+ so I guess that's an indicator the PSU is ok?
Also could you possibly link me to that benchmark? :)
Your PSU is of poor quality no doubt about that.

That being said, however, its your CPU that is the bottlenck and cannot properly utilise your GPUs in Sli. Unfortunately the only solution is to upgrade to Intel. Either wait a few and go with Skylake i5... or buy the Devils canyon i7 now.

not for a long while has it been enough

most new games run ~40fps with it meaning you doubly waste a nice gpu, also the vast majority of online games dont like it as they tend to run on 1-2 cores.

a lot of people don't like overclocking either, which makes it even worse.