Build Advice Is this a good $500 PC build?

The psu is a hard pass, pretty much every budget evga unit is a poor choice as they have discontinued all the good units made by superflower and now are built by andyson and hec or worse. In this psu market, everything is quite high priced or out of stock, best to keep an eye on a corsair cx450 or cxm and wait for a restock($60).
If you have zero plans to upgrade at any point in the future, you can get a corsair cv or vs unit as well($50).

3200g, although being zen+ and not zen 2 will still require a bios update, your a320 board is unlikely to have an updated bios. So you'll either need to have the vendor update it for you on request, or wait for a b450/x470 Max variant board to get in stock.

The 860 evo for $80 is too expensive for only 500gb, you can get a crucial 500gb mx500 for $66 or a crucial p1 nvme for $63.
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The psu is a hard pass, pretty much every budget evga unit is a poor choice as they have discontinued all the good units made by superflower and now are built by andyson and hec or worse. In this psu market, everything is quite high priced or out of stock, best to keep an eye on a corsair cx450 or cxm and wait for a restock($60).
If you have zero plans to upgrade at any point in the future, you can get a corsair cv or vs unit as well($50).

3200g, although being zen+ and not zen 2 will still require a bios update, your a320 board is unlikely to have an updated bios. So you'll either need to have the vendor update it for you on request, or wait for a b450/x470 Max variant board to get in stock.

The 860 evo for $80 is too expensive for only 500gb, you can get a crucial 500gb mx500 for $66 or a crucial p1 nvme for $63.
k thx