Is this a good budget AMD PC build?

Malek Agha

Nov 3, 2014
My firend asked me to build a a cheap PC for him that can livestream games like BF4 in high quality. Can you please tell me what you think of the PC and some guesses on what settings it may be able to run a game like BF4? Also I can't go above 600 dollars. I also know that it helps to have a AMD processor if he's livestreaming because the processor has 8 cores so it's good for multi tasking.
Here is the build:
Yes, it will run it at med/high settings no problems. You can search on YouTube for a lot of gameplay videos with bf4 and the fx6300.
It is a good budget build, but with all the mail in rebates you are put a bit over your $600 limit. Also you might need a bios flash before you can use that cpu on the asrock motherboard, so make sure you have a compatible cpu you can use to boot up the motherboard so you can flash it. Otherwise you can ask the supplier if they can flash it prior to shipping, or you can take it to a local pc shop.

Can it run BF4 on 720p ultra settings at least 30 FPS?

Thank you! That sounds good to hear! And by the way will I be able to get a FX-6300 procesor and still run at 1080p 60fps no problem?