Take a look at the notes below and revised list if you want
I recommend the AMD Ryzen 5 1600 CPU. Its ~$100 cheaper, comes with stock cooler, and I haven't had any issues with it and games still run great.
Or the Ryzen 5 1600X if your looking to overclock.
You could either stick with AMD Radeon or switch to Nvidia for better, but more expensive cards. (I personally recommend Nvidia cards more)
I don't know if you wanted to have two 1TB hard drives but i changed it to one 2TB hard drive which is a bit cheaper. but then again I don't know if you wanted two.
The motherboard i chose (on the list) fits the AMD Ryzen and has some nice red lighting that should match your black and red case.
I got the price down a bit which will provide much more room to get a better graphics card (If you want)
https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JDBs4C (Just my recommendation, you can change it all if you want)
P.S.: If your going for gaming you should always go with a better graphics card than CPU, because graphics cards are usually what impact your performance most.
Hope this helps. Lemme know what ya think.