Is this a good bundle??

It's kind of a strange bundle. It has a cpu that can be overclocked but a motherboard that doesn't support overclocking, and a high end PSU that is way to powerful for a very weak graphics card.
If you plan to overclock your CPU, you'll want a Z87 motherboard, not the H87 in that bundle. If not, you can get a cheaper CPU by not getting the unlocked version. Also, a 650 ti is a pretty low end card for gaming. I would pass on that bundle.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.96 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock Z87 Extreme4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($119.99 @ Microcenter)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($84.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 840 EVO 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($89.89 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 760 2GB Video Card ($259.99 @ Amazon)
Case: NZXT Source 220 ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ TigerDirect)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($49.99 @ NCIX US)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($19.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $994.74
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-03-05 00:09 EST-0500)

This is what I consider a good bundle.