Is this a good buy


Oct 11, 2011
Hey guys, I'm looking to buy a second hand PC now and I'd appreciate your input on whether or not I should go with this deal. I currently have no PC and I plan on saving up for a year or two to buy a full out gaming PC. But until then, these specs will be perfect for me.

i5 3470
500GB HDD (probably a Barracuda or Caviar blue)

Thanks again
A 20 year old pc can do minesweeper and cards on windows 95. There's no point in mentioning those. This is more than an office pc specs. It may be 5-6 years old but it'll still play most modern games on low. The price is about the same as I'm seeing on ebay.
Maybe old games on low, but definitely not modern games i feel.

Modern games will work but won't be playableplayable on low.

Feelings should never be involved. Saying old games on low makes me believe you are mistaking the gpu, maybe just an intel igpu. If you look in specs, it has a gtx 560 which is mid range, so expect med settings during it's time.

But here is bf4 playing on high

Bf1 on high

Gta v on ultra

Those games aren't too old. Bf1 is still modern I'd say and that's on high. Low on more modern games is reasonable.

because you didn't list it in the specs that's all.