is this a good cpu???


Apr 7, 2014
i have a intel core i3 2120 @3.3ghz

cpu is this cpu is good for upcming games ???
an d can this cpu handle a gtx 650???
i am willing to buy that gpu??
The 2120 is a good lesser Mid-range processor, and you can expect maybe Low to Medium settings on current and upcoming games, though don't expect anything higher. It should do fine with the GTX 650.

How many amps does you PSU have?
Quality good 400W PSU is more than enough for R7 250X but in most cases built-in PSU's are crappy :)
hi i dont actually know how much amps my psu hav
but here are the details

switching power supply
model ATX 400w
ac input : Voltage 230V current 5A Frequency 50hz
dc output max: orange 3.3v and 18A ,Red +5, 18A , Yellow +12V , 20A, White -5v .05A,Blue +12V,03A,purple 5V,2A,grey P/G, OK
so will this be okay to run r7 250x or do i need to change it plz rply??????

Theoretically it should be OK but I wouldn't recommend you to use built-in PSU.