Is this a good gaming pc


Jun 11, 2015
Is this a good px for gaming? I'm getting it for 500 plus a mouse and keyboard.

-GPU: GeForce GT 740

-CPU: Amd FX - 6300 Six-Core Processor

-CPU cooler fan

-RAM: 8.2 GB Dual Channel

-Motherboard: Asrock 970 extreme4

-Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium

-Hard Drive Memory: 1TB (1000GB)

-3 Custom fans (Blue LED Lights)

-Gamer Black Sci-Fi looking case

-CD ROM (hidden under front case door)

Game Performance Specs. :

Pixel Shader Version: 5.0

Vertex Shader Version: 5.0

Video ram: 2.0GB

CPU Speed: 3.5 GHz

Ram 8.2GB
The GPU is utterly horrible. I can't even see the power supply listed which is also a concern. For 500 you can build a vastly superior PC, give me a second I'll try to pick the parts. Even if you can only buy pre-built there are MUCH better deals than that.
The GPU is utterly horrible. I can't even see the power supply listed which is also a concern. For 500 you can build a vastly superior PC, give me a second I'll try to pick the parts. Even if you can only buy pre-built there are MUCH better deals than that.
Here you go, a link to a part list:

If you build this PC, it will completely blow the other one out of the water. The GPU I've picked is TIMES better than the GT 740. If you want a pre-built, you'll have to wait for me to search for a good deal because pre-builts are a rip-off in 90% of the cases and in the rare cases they are not, they are often just bad PCs overall.
Well, I used the pcpartpicker just to pick the components, try looking them up in the Irish version of Amazon I guess. Apart from that, a good idea is to look at the more popular parts sellers. I've heard that microcenters sell stuff at huge discounts, so you can check that out as well.

I would argue that you can do quite a lot better. Check this out:

Of course, that only happens if you are building the PC yourself. Pre-builts are usually horrible, even though I guarantee that there are better pre-builts for the price.

The R9 280 takes up almost half the budget though. The cheapest one I've found in euros is €209.40. Also The FX 6300 is €121.24 and the OS is €105.63. That brings the total to €436.27 and there isn't enough money left in the budget to buy the rest of the parts. Even an R9 270 is too much for the budget.
The GPU should always take up about half or even more of the budget when it comes to non-experimental gaming PCs, IMHO. And again, it really depends on the prices you can get. I am sure that you can find the components I suggested for lower prices in microcenters/retail discounts or even used ones sold on eBay. Also, the CPU, OS and GPU are the most expensive things in the build, so it really shouldn't come of as that big of a surprise.