Is This a Good Gaming Setup?


Nov 3, 2013
Hey guys.

My specs:
gtx 770
16gb 1600mhz
250gb ssd

How long will I be able to play demanding games like far cry 3, crysis 3, and battlefield 4 on at least high settings (high preset and fxaa or some minimal anti aliasing), 1080p, with 40+ fps?

Im pretty new to pc gaming (had a ps3 and ps2) and wanna know how long this pc will last me before I really need to upgrade.


You've got a pretty good CPU in the i7-4770k - are you planning to overclock it? That also depends on your Motherboard and Power Supply - if it would allow you to OC. Running at stock is fine, don't worry!

But regardless of the above, your CPU is the second most important after your GPU. The GTX 770 is a great card.

Here are some benchmark graphs for the 770:
Benchmark 1),3634-8.html
Benchmark 2)

>>> At ULTRA 1080p BF4 Beta, GTX 770 should post a MIN of 45+ FPS, and a AVERAGE of 60 FPS. As you can see, these reviews show different values but they are looking very positive (for your viewing).

Far Cry 3, Crysis 3
You may be struggling just a little here.
Benchmark 1)!-1920x1080---very-high-4x-aa

At Very High 4x AA, you'll be running around 37 FPS. I'm sure if you lower your AA, it'll be above 40 FPS.

Likewise, the same applies to Crysis 3 which is very taxing. Your game will run much higher if you lower certain settings (especially AA).


I want to say you shouldn't worry too much, but if you are very worried - you can buy yourself another GTX 770 and SLI the two of them together (likewise depending on the capabilities of your other components).
Awesome, thanks man. I am new to pc building and wanted to make sure I build a good rig.
One more question, will the 2gb of vram limit me playing games at 1080p in a single monitor on ultra settings in the next 3-4 years? or will the processing power limit me first?

Well Alex (assuming you're called Alex hah), can you let me in on the rest of your components - what are you planning to get for your setup?

2GB of VRAM for BF4 should be okay, a lot of players can run high/ultra at 2GB VRAM - but its been recorded that at certain times the game may run slightly above 2.

It's hard to say, 2GB should be good. If you're worried you can get the 770 3GB, and another good GPU would be the R9 280x 3GB.

Hahaa that is a BEAST! That's awesome :) Glad you're enjoying it!

How's BF4? Buggy and crashy as they say?
It runs at an average of 65-70 fps on ultra 1080p, which is awesome! The game is only a little buggy but thats because I didnt update my driver to the latest one which is said to have major improvements for battlefield 4 as well as stability fixes.