is this a good graphics card

At my country, solid GTX 760 cost from 202 eur to 266 [acx actually]. Which leads me to question, why not hit the piggy bank and go after 970, which costs 331 eur [solid version]? Hmm, I know, it's a 100-130 euro difference, but delivered performance is "astronomical".

Or, why not get R9 280X? She cost around GTX 760, and delivers much more punch [and is less reliable]
I'm not a big fan of nVida, so I'd recommend the r9 280x, which is about the same price and as mentioned above, delivers more power. I use an r9 290 and it runs like a dream. I'm going to treat myself to a second card with a Gigabyte Windforce non-reference cooler. It can be found for a great price of $250 depending on where you look. Great card. Just to give an example. It runs the mil-sim with an average of 50 fps with an i7 4770k. As far as I know, its the most realistic game out there (including the epic graphics). It is also probably the hardest game to run. But, if your an nVida fan I'd say the next best thing would be the 770, but there's not much difference. Good luck!