is this a good low/medium gaming rig build?


Jun 30, 2015
Hi so this is my first attempt at ever building a gaming pc and i am hoping to get some feedback on the items i have chosen so far and if everything is compatible.

I am using the motherboard ssd and processor from my previous computer and would also like to know how they will work in the gaming rig. it is a intel i3 225 processor.

here is the link to my build atm:
alright, but other than that does it look like a good build? and do you think the i3 processor will effect gaming performance greatly? also im worried about the motherboard not being compatible with the case and the memory sticks.
bf4, cod, and elderscrolls online. Im honestly extremely new to this before now i have played on my console but a friend got me into gaming on his computer so its time to build my own.
What is your budget?
Also the fact that your motherboard is mITX,should be no problem since mITX uses 4 of the std ATX screw holes.Also your motherboard supports 1333 mhz ram maximum,so you might wanna go to something like that which has lower latency,
In that case swap your Gpu for this one:
And your ram for these :
And you are good to go,1080p/60fps on high-ultra.

Your i3 3225 should be fine,since most games utilize 2 cores,also the motherboard you are looking to use is not compatible with your cpu,different sockets,this one should be fine,

is there a higher end motherboard you know of that would be compatible? under 100$ if possible. im going to watch some youtube vids to learn how to tell if different parts work together.

i am afraid there aren't any better motherboards for this socket,my suggestion is that you keep your current motherboard and cpu and you upgrade when the Amd's Zen are out.


The issue is that the motherboard u wanted to buy isn't compatible with your cpu,so if u want to change your motherboard you will have to buy a new cpu,that's why i suggested you to keep your current motherboasrd/cpu and buy the other parts(ram/gpu/ssd),and wait till winter for mobo/cpu upgrades since by that time new ones will come out.


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