Is this a good paste?


Jan 21, 2014
I am going nuts trying to find a thermal paste. There is just so many threads about it with what appears to be so much conflicting information.

If I am right, the higher the conductivity and the lower the resistance, the better the paste.

If this is right, then one of the best is pretty cheap.

Masscool Stars 700 with 2.17 conductivity .06 resistance for about $3-3.5 and it doesn't need to run for 2 months before it sets or cures

this seems to be the best numbers I can find for under $10 or so.

What do you all think of this one? Are any of you using one with better numbers? Should I even be putting this much emphasis on them?

oh and with it being 2014, has it yet been decided the best way to apply it? a gob in the middle? spread out? lines? etc.

Yup, i also use it or the Cooler Master HTK-002-U1 Thermal paste (i got a big batch of it with a bulk order of the cooling systems for free.)

The WAY you put it on is important (some use an X or a blob, I try to make a squarish blot in the middle. All you are trying to do is to get it evenly and thinly among as much of the surface as you can, so you can thing of your own way to do that. the important thing is not to put too much (lots of squeezout) or not enough (overheat). usually a BB sized blot is enough for most CPUs...)