Is this a good PC Build?


Nov 2, 2015
I will make a PC for play games, programing and developent games.

I'm tinking about:

Asus Z97-P ATX LGA1150
Intel Core i7 4790K
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
8 GB (2x4GB) Kingston HyperX Fury Black
SSD Kingston HyperX Fury 120 GB
HDD Western Digital Caviar Blue 1 TB
MSI Radeon R9 380 Gaming 2G
PSU Nox NX 650W

Did you guys tink this is good or I should change something?
I would change the PSU to a tier 1 or tier 2 unit. I am not familiar with that brand, at all.

I would step down to a Xeon 1231v3, as it will still have the i7 multithread capability, and H97 board, drop the cooler, and put the money into a better GPU, and/or SSD.

Kingston SSD's are not very good, and 120gb is borderline useless. 250gb, or more, Samsung or Crucial. Mushkin reactors are ok too, if their are significantly cheaper.