Is this a GPU failure?


Apr 30, 2015
Hi Everyone, first post here.

Over the last 3/4 days I have been experiencing some sort of malfunction with my display.

This happens generally after a few hours of use playing games (south park game).

I recently updated the AMD radeon driver software which could be the issue, so i will try rolling back the installation.

Aside from this could it be that my gpu is dying?



Ok, so it happened again but this time the screen went completely blank and turned off. Initially I thought it was behaving as if no image was being inputted, but then I realised I had my HDMI cable also plugged in to my TV (extended desktop). This screen was still active and displaying my desktop background?

i'm just going by what you showed me in the picture. I'm in IT, if I see a monitor behaving like yours the first thing I check is the cable, then the monitor, if those two aren't the cause then I look at the gpu/drivers. Just working on your problem from the most to the least likely...
looks like a dying monitor or a bad monitor cable to me; typically a bad driver simply crashes the driver and/or the pc.

EDIT: could be a temp issue, did you update the driver while using the gpu "overclocked"? overclocking a gpu then updating gpu drivers has been known to mess with fan profiles and overclocks..

If it were the monitor would it not be permanently like this? When the issue occurs, the computer cannot process any images.

EDIT: the GPU has been overclocked but I recently set it back to defaults as i had a few blue screens. So at the time of this happening the GPU has not been overclocked.

i'm just going by what you showed me in the picture. I'm in IT, if I see a monitor behaving like yours the first thing I check is the cable, then the monitor, if those two aren't the cause then I look at the gpu/drivers. Just working on your problem from the most to the least likely issue.

disconnect your monitor when it happens (unplug it), leave it unplugged for 5-10 minutes, then plug it back in and see if the problem is "continuing"; if it is, then i'd play with the monitor cable. If it's a DVI/VGA cable I'd unscrew them on both ends, then reattach, making sure to get a tight connection. If its display port or hdmi, i'd unplug them then plug them back in on both ends. if it's still doing that, i'd unplug the graphic cable, manually straighten it out to make sure there are no kinks or bends in the cable, working closely at the ends, then plug it back in again. If it's still happening i'd get a new cable and try that. if it's still happening - download DDU, reboot your pc into safe mode. If you have MSI afterburner or any other gpu overclocking tool, uninstall it. then run ddu, check the option to "prevent" windows from reinstalling any drivers after the reboot, after you get to the desktop download the latest drivers (or last working ones if your prefer) and install, reboot and see if the issue goes away.

If the issue persists then it's either the monitor failing or the gpu failing.

Ok, thanks for the detailed reply, i'll give this a go the next time it happens.

Ok, so it happened again but this time the screen went completely blank and turned off. Initially I thought it was behaving as if no image was being inputted, but then I realised I had my HDMI cable also plugged in to my TV (extended desktop). This screen was still active and displaying my desktop background?

sounds like it's your monitor or monitor cable then