Is this a PSU failure ?


Dec 12, 2015
My pc showing black screen then turn off it self after few second. at the first I reseat the ram and gpu and everything works perfectly.
few hours later this is happening again but reseat the ram and GPU doesn't work at the first but I tried it several times and not working, waiting for few hours and it works.
next day I change the PSU from Seasonic SS-500 to X660 and replacing thermalpad on my NB and SB with thermalpaste. Everything just for a few hours. The same thing happen again. I do reseat the ram and gpu, but nothing happen. wait for few hours and it works.
I replace the CMOS battery, reseat ram and GPU. but things not work. and now I cant turn it on, even to make the fan spinning. when I turn the PSU off the LED and fan start for a momment then turned off. I try to do the paperclip test but I cant determine if my PSU is good, since the fan isn't spinning but when I turn it off I can feel some "wind". since my PSU usually not spinning in idle mode i cant determine if it is faulty or not.
It sounds like something else other than the power supply is the issue here, exactly what I'm not sure but it won't be the power supply if it is doing the same thing with two different ones

Hi nuckles 😀 thanks for your response, I really doubt it is my PSU, but it makes me confused with those weird things happen when I turned off the PSU. is my x660 a faulty one ? or the load is too much for x660 ?

my spec :
i5 2500k no OC
Asrock z77 Pro 3
HIS HD 7950 Iceq
4 x Patriot ram
3 x 7200 rpm HDD
CM hyper 212x