It is good actually,why not getting tge 8th gen intel?
For PSU that is too much 850w
Better get cheaper one 550w is enough,but if u want get 600/650w its fine
Get like seasonic focus plus gold,it is really good psu
ive been told the 8th gen intel has alot of bugs with it, also i like to go overkill with the psu incase i ever want to upgrade. ill look into some other psu's thought. thanks for the response! 😉
This i7-8700K and GTX1080 combo will perform around 40% better compared to i7-7700K and GTX1070 combo. All high quality components.
The performance gain you get from i7-8700K over i7-7700K is worth getting it. Bugs get patched up with updates and new BIOS release. Yes there are no additional bugs to i7-8700K compared to i7-7700K besides i7-8700K being a new gen CPU there are few performance bugs which have already been solved with new BIOS updates. I would recommend updating BIOS with latest drivers.