Is this a virus or just a huge PDF

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Michael Hearn

Aug 4, 2015
If you google "campbell biology 9th edition pdf" then the second link will be a google doc with it. It seems sketchy but I still downloaded it. How can I tell if it is a virus or not. its 193.1 MB its named campbell biology 9th Edition.pdf. How can I figure out if this is a virus. The PDF opens but it should be way smaller in data size if it is about 1500 pages.
If there is pictures, it can be that big or depending on how they scanned it and what resolution they used. It's like a jpg. It can be the same image and be 100kb or 15mb if it's resolution is huge and used the lowest compression alogirthm.
If there is pictures, it can be that big or depending on how they scanned it and what resolution they used. It's like a jpg. It can be the same image and be 100kb or 15mb if it's resolution is huge and used the lowest compression alogirthm.
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