Is this build good enough?


Apr 25, 2017
Before I asked about a build that I wanted to buy, it seemed to be not very good. So with the new reasons and tips people gave I managed to find this build( I mainly playing league on it, can it run at 60 fps league?) (also I am not on a very big budget)

thank you here are the specs:
Pentium G4600 3.6 GHz
Motherboard: H110M-D Asus micro ATX
RAM: DDR4 8 gb( in the future I wanna upgrade i to 16)
GPU: Radeon RX550 2 GB GDDR5 90 mm fan
Tower: Eagle warrior Challenger FS-4 /ATX/
EVGA 450W/ 80+ Bronze

Thank you for taking the time to read a noob´s request.
Its a sate where I choose the parts and I also choose if I wan to build it my self or they build it for me.
Becasue I dont know much( Im quite a newbie at this, I will ask for them to build it for me ;-😉

I changed the rx 550 for the rx 460 but the site doesnt sell the g4560, so I will still go for the g4600

Do you plan on overclocking? If not then the pentium probably isn't the best bet. I would recommend something like an i3 7100, and an rx 460. In that chipset you have plenty of upgrade room if you want to move up to something like an i5 or i7. Change the GPU to an rx 460 or GTX 1050 (non ti) and you're fine for most e-sports type games such as CS, Overwatch, Rocket League, and League. In short, if it was my build I would shell out a little bit more money into something like a core i3 and an rx 460/gtx 1050
Overclocking isn't the best thing at this price point.
@Foamerr, The G4560 and all above pentiums this generation have Hyperthreading and are essentially just slightly lower clocked i3s, the 7100 is a poor value proposition given you can get 90% of its performance for half the price.

Im using a site called
Its a mexican site tha is very good. Its in spanish but I suppose its easy to understand.
My budget now is not very big, Im planing on savinng more money( the compuer is not my top priority)
My budget now is roughly 6000 pesos but in a month I could porbably have 9000 pesos (Im a student I dont have a stable job).
Thanks for the help